- Texas Educators and Administrators
- Teacher Misconduct, Discipline, and Certification
- Due Process for Teachers and Mandatory Reporting
- College Professors- Pre-Tenure Review and Tenure Denials
- College Professors -Tenure and Promotion Appeals Process
- Exhaust Administrative Remedies
Texas Educators and Administrators
- Probationary Contract
- Term Contract
- Continuing Contract
Probationary Contracts
Continuing Contracts
Term Contracts
Teacher Misconduct, Discipline, and Certification
Once the school district becomes aware of the violation, the school district places the teacher on administrative leave and makes a mandatory report to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) of such violation. This is known as Mandatory Report.
- Allegations of Hitting/ Fighting students
- Allegations of inappropriate contact with students
- Allegations of grooming students
- Misappropriation of Funds
- Allegations of Verbally Assaulting and Abusing Students
- Allegations of Inappropriate use of Social Media (Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook)
- Substance Abuse Issues
- Failure to Report Arrests
- Lying on Applications for Employment
- Procedural Violations
Legal Checklist for Teachers: To help you get started, please review the legal checklist below. If you answer “YES” to any of the following questions, you need to consult with an education attorney.
- Have you experienced work-place friction or hostilities?
- Have you experienced unnecessary warnings, write-ups, growth plans?
- Have you been suspended without pay?
- Is there an open investigation against you?
- Has a parent or student filed a complaint against you?
- Have you received the notice of non-renewal?
- Have you received a notice of investigation from Texas Education Agency?
- Have you received a Petition filed against you from the State Board of Educator Certification?