K-12 Students

K-12 students and their parents in public, charter and private schools face an array of problems that can jeopardize a student’s educational career and even post-secondary chances. As a mother of three school-aged children, I am constantly in the company of parents concerned about different code of conduct violations and what that could mean for their children’s college application.

The use and misuse of the internet is the one area where the most disciplinary issues occur. Living in a digital world has its positives and negatives, but in the school law arena the negatives are even more pronounced. A single social media post can go viral in matter of minutes and cause lasting disciplinary challenges for the student. Certain acts such as posting, liking and sharing certain social media pages on or off-campus can land your child in serious trouble in school and may even lead to criminal prosecution.
While not as pervasive as online issues, gun violence in schools certainly leaves the most devastating effects in its wake. In an effort to stem the recurrence of deadly shootings schools have gradually undergone the hardening and over-policing of campuses. The increase of law-enforcement officers in our campuses has led to frequent arrests of students even for minor infractions, infractions that normally would have been handled by the campus principal. While the added layer of protection that law enforcement provides is welcome, police officers are often not trained to handle children or even the special needs population.

Time and time again, statistics show that students of color, special needs students, LGBTQ students are fifty percent more likely to be punished than their peers. Data also proves that punishing a student because of their disability or gender identity increases the chances of recidivism. The hardening/over-policing of schools and the use of punitive rather than rehabilitative measures creates the environment where students are forced-fed through the school-to-prison pipeline. Learn more

Parents are frequently not aware that their students have rights even within the education sphere and inadvertently ignore those rights. Every K-12 student is entitled to some level of due process before certain disciplinary actions are taken against the student.
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This firm has had the privilege to represent K-12 students and their parents in these matters:
  • Online Bullying and Firm Bullying Issues
  • Social Media Violations
  • Disciplinary Proceedings for Code of Conduct Violations
  • Academic Plagiarism or Cheating
  • Suspensions, Expulsions and Alternative School Placement(DAEP)
  • Truancy
  • High Stakes Testing &Grade Advancement and Test Scores
  • Clearing Student’s Records
  • Grievance Hearings and Appeals
  • Extracurricular Participation/University Interscholastic League (UIL) Issues.

Odediran Law Firm, PLLC

Odediran Law Firm is an Education Law Firm representing the rights of Students, Parents, Teachers and Faculty in Education Law matters. The Firm is located in Austin, Texas and actively represents Students, Parents, Teachers and Faculty throughout the state of Texas

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