About us

Goz Odediran

Hey! I am Goz Odediran (O-day-dee-ran). I am an education rights attorney serving the needs of K-12 students, College Students, Teachers and College Professors.

I defend the rights of students to be educated. I firmly believe that any child can learn when given the right and appropriate education.
It is also my privilege to defend the rights of college and post-college students. For these students, education is the most valuable thing to them and I strive to provide legal service carefully tailored to match the level of commitment that the student has to their education.
Finally, I serve the community of educators K-12 to college who are at the forefront of educating the youth of today. I work with educators to ensure that their constitutional and property rights to employment are not revoked through arbitrary processes.

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When you retain me, you retain an attorney who values excellence and compassion above all else. These values are inextricably woven into every client that I have the honor to represent.

I went to law school with my eyes set on becoming an international business attorney. I began my legal profession as an Intellectual Property attorney and obtained a Masters of Law in International Business Economic Law, with an emphasis on World Trade Organization from Georgetown Law Center D.C. I really wanted to be an International Business Attorney. I am licensed to practice law in New York and Texas and was set to obtain licenses from California and the United Kingdom.

However, life has a funny way of giving you want you need and not want you want. While pregnant with my second child, the doctors informed me of certain health challenges that my unborn child would have.

So, when my child came of school age, his special medical needs thrust us into the world of special education and boy has it beenover whelming. My first IEP meeting was a disaster. Here I was in a room filled with about 10 strangers who I later learnt were teachers, district representatives and therapists. I was stunned at the number of people present that day and wondered to myself if they all had to be there.

These people began to use acronyms and terms I had never heard before! IEP, FAPE, LRE, FBA,504, BIP, FAPE, ESY e.t. I sat there silently as they spoke across one another and not at me. As a mom, I knew that these acronyms had to be relevant to my child but I felt so out of place not understanding what they said and what it meant for my child. As an attorney, I intrinsically knew that I had to verify all that was being before I signed any document. So, I did the smartest thing I could think of. I called off the meeting, went home and studied like I was studying for a bar exam. That was 10 years ago. Fast-forward to present day where I live and breathe special education law.

Today, my law practice is 100% devoted to education law. Education law, especially special education law is a highly fluid and nuanced area of law. It is also a markedly emotional charged practice and requires every practitioner to not just have head knowledge of the laws, but an in-depth passion for it. I pour that passion into every case that I have privilege to have handle. So, whether your child has just been diagnosed, or whether this is your 10th IEP meeting, I am here for you.

Honestly, it has been a wild but most rewarding journey to have embarked on. Being a special needs mom is a badge of honor that I proudly wear daily. Being a parent is hard work, but being a special needs parent requires a different serving of grit.

You may think that federal education laws were enacted to protect the most vulnerable of our society and that schools, teachers and educators would enforce these laws to the utmost. You may even have told yourself that teachers would always do the right thing for your child. Right? Well, I hate to break it to you. The answer is no! Not all schools, and not all educators enforce these laws. A good majority of schools and educators want to help our children but they are often hampered by budgetary costs, incompetence, lack of training or just plain negligence. And when this happens, I hold their feet to the fire.

Sometimes you’ve just got to fight and fight hard for services for your child. I fight for my child but that fight isn’t over yet. I haven’t thrown in the towel and neither should you.

Because I am firm believer in equality for all, my education practice extends into general education. This means that I also fight for the rights of the general K-12 and college students in matters such as grade appeals, code of conduct violation, UIL matters, academic hearing, suspensions and expulsions.

And oh, I am no longer on the quest to become an International Business Attorney. I am a mom of three beautiful kiddos, and practice parent-side education law here in the beautiful city of Austin. My practice is state-wide, so whether you are in the Pan-Handle, El-Paso, Dallas, Houston, Laredo or anywhere in between, I can help you.

When not practicing law, you would most likely find me in one of these places-soccer fields, guitar or piano recitals with my kids or at a local gym getting my daily dosage of good endorphins.

I cast no judgment on mommas trying to conquer the world like I set out to do 10years ago. You go and conquer the world but you know where to find me when you need me here.

Warmest regards,

Odediran Law Firm, PLLC

Odediran Law Firm is an Education Law Firm representing the rights of Students, Parents, Teachers and Faculty in Education Law matters. The Firm is located in Austin, Texas and actively represents Students, Parents, Teachers and Faculty throughout the state of Texas