Medical & Health Profession Students


Disciplinary Process for Medical and Health Profession Students

We have successfully represented medical, dental, nursing, nursing practitioners, Ph.D. students, and residency candidates in disciplinary hearings.

The healthcare profession demands an unparalleled level of professionalism, given that practitioners bear the weighty responsibility of safeguarding the lives of their patients. The unique nature of their work necessitates a steadfast commitment to maintaining the highest standards of conduct throughout their academic and professional journey.

Consequently, students pursuing healthcare professions are held to a heightened standard of ethics, particularly when navigating disciplinary procedures.

In the event of misconduct by a medical or health profession student, it is imperative to note that the school is duty-bound to report the findings to the pertinent professional licensing boards. This typically includes entities such as the State Medical Board or the State Board of Nursing. Such reporting ensures that appropriate regulatory bodies are informed of any breaches of conduct.

The licensing boards have the authority to launch investigations and impose restrictions or sanctions on a student’s future professional license in response to misconduct. In certain instances, a disciplinary conduct case at the school level could potentially result in a permanent ban from obtaining a license to practice.

Given these profound implications, it is imperative to promptly engage the services of an education attorney as soon as you are notified of a conduct investigation. Seeking legal counsel early on is crucial to navigate the complexities of the process and safeguard your professional future.

The disciplinary process in most colleges of Medicine and Health Science Colleges involves four significant steps:

  • The Initial Referral ( from faculty or clinical director)
  • The Investigation ( Conducted by the Dean’s office)
  • The College Hearing or the SEPC( Student Evaluation and Promotion Committee) Hearing.
  • The Appeal of Disciplinary Sanction.

In some instances, a student may face a Soft-Suspension, being asked to leave and cease attending classes, clinicals, or labs until a hearing or the Student Progress and Promotion Hearing is scheduled.

It is strongly advised to consult with an attorney before accepting a soft suspension to maintain greater control over the content of your disciplinary record. For a more in-depth understanding of the disciplinary process, you can find additional information in our College/Grad 

Professionalism is a fundamental competency for medical and health professional students, integral to achieving academic success and graduation. Any instance of professional misconduct is viewed not merely as a behavioral lapse but as a significant academic issue, carrying the potential for enduring adverse actions. Moreover, professionalism concerns encompass behaviors that can disrupt a student’s ability to navigate and progress through the demanding medical school curriculum and clinical rotations.

The Student Evaluation and Promotion Committee of Colleges of Medicine or Health Sciences Colleges have an obligation to the students, to the school, and to society to evaluate students and to promote and graduate only those who have demonstrated their suitability for the practice of medicine both in cognitive and non-cognitive areas such as clinical ability, interpersonal relations, and personal conduct and professional characteristics.

What is a Student Evaluation and Promotion Committee Hearing?

SEPC or SPC is a faculty committee reviewing academic performance, professional comportment, and suitability to practice medicine for students in medical and health professions.

Typically, this process starts with a referral from a faculty or clinical director to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. The Associate Dean then formally requests the SEPC to evaluate whether the student has the necessary ability and adheres to the professional standards required in the medical field.

Any student failing to meet the continuing medical studies requirements will be expelled.

The SEPC has the authority to dismiss a student from medical school after reviewing their complete record, which includes academic, clinical, and disciplinary records. It is possible for a student with excellent academic grades to be dismissed if their performance in non-cognitive areas, such as interpersonal relations, clinical ability, as well as personal and professional characteristics, is deemed unsuitable for the practice of medicine.

The suitability to practice medicine is determined by the SEPC committee. Any form of misconduct should therefore be taken seriously, as it could call into question a student’s ability to practice medicine.

Possible Outcomes of Student Evaluation and Promotion Committee Hearing

The SEPC will carefully review the student’s entire records and will invite them to respond to the allegations against them. Following the hearing, the SEPC will deliberate and offer appropriate sanctions to the student.

  • Repeat an entire year
  • Dismiss the student pending a mental health evaluation
  • Offer a Leave of Absence to the student
  • Offer Remediation to student
  • Dismiss a student from the school of medicine or college

Students pursuing medical and health professions who are currently undergoing disciplinary action must immediately seek assistance from an experienced higher education lawyer for their benefit.

At Odediran Law Firm, we understand the significant stakes associated with colleges of medicine or health professions disciplinary procedures. Our track record includes successful representation of individuals in various fields, including medical, dental, nursing, nursing practitioners, Ph.D. students, and residency candidates during disciplinary hearings. Our commitment is to safeguard your educational rights and preserve the trajectory of your future career.

To increase your chances of successfully defending yourself against any allegations brought against you, it is highly recommended that you hire a skilled higher education lawyer.

With over 10 years of experience resolving legal issues related to colleges of medicine or health professions our dedicated team is well-prepared to vigorously advocate for your rights and interests, challenging any severe actions taken by universities.

If there are specific details or assistance you seek regarding our legal services, please contact us. Schedule a Consultation

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“Protect Your Education Rights and Preserve Your Future Career”.

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